
Constitution of Changzhou Polytechnic of Information Technology

Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education College Charter Approval No. 81 (Changzhou Polytechnic of Information Technology)

Changzhou College of Information Technology:

In accordance with the "Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Interim Measures for the Formulation of the Charter of Institutions of Higher Learning", the "Charter of Changzhou Institute of Information Vocational Technology", which has been reviewed and approved by the Party Committee of your university and reported to our Department for approval, is hereby approved by the Provincial Committee for the approval of the Charter of Institutions of higher Learning and approved by the Provincial Department of Education。

The articles of association attached to the approval letter shall be final and shall take effect as of this day and shall not be amended without legal procedures。The university shall give full play to the role of the charter, take the charter as the basic standard and basis for independently running schools, implementing management and performing public functions in accordance with the law, improve the internal governance structure, establish and improve the supporting system of the charter, accelerate the construction of a modern university system with Chinese characteristics, and promote the scientific development of the university in accordance with the law。

Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education

December 28, 2015


Changzhou College of Information Technology is a public higher vocational and technical college in Jiangsu Province,In August 1962, it was funded by Mr. Liu Guojun,The original name is Changzhou Qinye electromechanical School,In September 1965, it was renamed Changzhou Radio Industrial College,Change from private to public;In December 1979, it was renamed Changzhou Radio Industrial School,Change from municipal administration to provincial ownership;In October 2000, the People's Government of Jiangsu Province approved the merger of Changzhou Radio Industrial School and Changzhou Electronic Workers University to establish Changzhou Information Vocational Technology College (hereinafter referred to as the College);In July 2010, the college passed the national demonstration higher vocational college construction project acceptance。

To regulate the behavior of running schools,Establish a system of modern higher vocational colleges,To achieve the goals of the College,In accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Vocational Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Interim Measures for the Formulation of the Charter of Institutions of Higher Learning and relevant laws, regulations and policies,Combined with college practice,Make this Constitution。

Chapter I General provisions

Article 1 The name of the College is Changzhou College of Information Technology。

Article 2 The legal residence of the College: No.22, Mingxin Middle Road, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province。The College may set up branch schools according to school needs。

Article 3 The College is a full-time public higher vocational college, a public institution with independent legal personality, independent education and management according to law, and independent responsibility。

Article 4 Due to the needs of educational development, colleges may be divided, merged, renamed or terminated with the approval of the examination and approval authority。

Article 5 The College fully implements the Party's educational policy,Adhere to the socialist direction of running schools,Follow the law of higher vocational education,Adhering to "based on the information industry,Training information talents,Serving the information society "school philosophy,Based in Changzhou, serving Jiangsu and Yangtze River Delta region,Radiate throughout the country,It features information technology,To train highly qualified workers and technical talents with ideal, moral, cultural and disciplined moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic all-round development in production, construction, service and management。

Article 6 The motto of the College is "Virtuous and diligent";The spirit of the college is "pragmatic, honest, striving for self-improvement";The teaching style of the college is "dedication, love life";The academic style of the college is "still thinking and seeking truth", and the working style of the college is "diligent and efficient".。

Article 7 The College implements the development strategy of "strengthening the school with talents, casting the school with culture, establishing the school with characteristics and thriving the school with quality" to achieve the coordinated development of scale, structure, efficiency and quality。According to the requirements of local economic and social development, the college determines the scale of running a school reasonably。

Article 8 The College adheres to the rule of law, adheres to the principle of teachers and students, and respects academic freedom。

Article 9 The College implements two-level management, setting up and adjusting the second-level college (department) according to the principle of "professional cluster, resource intensive, student ability and quality development first";Set up and adjust functional departments and units in accordance with the principle of "streamlining the organization, ensuring effective management efficiency and giving priority to service efficiency"。

Article 10 The units with the status of independent legal persons established by the College shall operate and manage independently according to law under the leadership of the College。

Article 11 The democratic parties, trade unions, the Working Committee for Caring for the Next Generation, the Women's Committee, the Communist Youth League, the Student Union and other group organizations of the College carry out activities in accordance with their respective regulations。

Article 12 The College shall implement the information disclosure system and disclose the information of running the school and management in a timely manner according to law。

Chapter two: The organizer of the College and external relations

Article 13 The Institute shall be organized by the People's Government of Jiangsu Province and the competent department shall be the Economic and Information Technology Commission of Jiangsu Province。

Article 14 The organizer of the College shall appoint and remove the person in charge of the College in accordance with relevant regulations, provide the college with funding and resource support, guarantee the conditions for running the college, support the college to run the school independently in accordance with laws and the college charter, and supervise and assess the college according to law。

Article 15 The College gives full play to the advantages of Changzhou Science and Education City, interacts positively with the Management Committee of Changzhou Science and Education City, accepts the guidance of the Committee on teaching reform, resource sharing, public service and other work, and strives for the support of the committee on cooperative education, collaborative scientific research and resource integration。

Article 16 The College establishes strategic alliances with institutions of higher learning, research institutes and enterprises in Changzhou Science and Education City, expands cooperation space, and realizes extensive and full sharing of talents, materials, information, advanced school-running ideas and technologies。

Article 17 The College shall establish friendly relations with ordinary senior high schools, relevant secondary vocational colleges and relevant ordinary undergraduate colleges, improve the quality of students and jointly train talents。

Chapter III The rights and obligations of the College and its school-running functions

Article 18 The College shall enjoy the following rights according to law:

(1) Autonomous management in accordance with the articles of association;

(2) Independently formulate teaching plans, select and compile teaching materials, and organize and implement teaching activities;

(3) Independently setting and adjusting disciplines and specialties;

(4) to independently conduct scientific research, technological development and social services;

(5) to independently carry out scientific, technological and cultural exchanges and cooperation with overseas institutions of higher learning;

(6) Independently determine the establishment and staffing of internal organizations such as teaching, scientific research and administrative functional departments;

(7) to evaluate the positions of teachers and other professional and technical personnel and adjust the distribution of allowances and wages in accordance with relevant State regulations;

(8) To formulate enrollment plans and independently adjust the enrollment ratio of departments and departments in accordance with social needs, conditions for running schools and the scale of running schools approved by the State;

(9) to manage the school status of educatees and give awards or take disciplinary measures;

(10) To issue educatees with corresponding academic certificates;

(11) to manage and use the facilities and funds of its own unit;

(12) To reject unlawful interference in educational and teaching activities by any organization or individual;

(13) Other rights provided for by laws, regulations and rules。

Article 19 The College shall perform the following obligations according to law:

(1) To observe laws and regulations;

(2) To implement the Party's educational policy, implement the State standards for education and teaching, and ensure the quality of education and teaching;

(3) To safeguard the lawful rights and interests of educatees, teachers and other staff and workers;

(4) To facilitate, in an appropriate manner, educatees and their guardians to know the educatees' academic performance and other relevant information;

(5) to collect fees in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and disclose the items of fees;

(6) accept supervision according to law;

(7) Other obligations stipulated by laws, regulations and rules。

Article 20 The College focuses on general higher vocational education, the basic form of education is full-time academic education, and offers adult and correspondence academic education according to social needs and the resources of the college, and carries out various forms of non-academic education, domestic inter-school joint education and Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools。

Article 21 The College takes personnel training as the center, adheres to the principle of educating people and giving priority to moral education, and carries out educational teaching, scientific and technological research, social services and cultural inheritance activities。

Article 22 The College is based on the optimization and adjustment of industrial structure in Jiangsu Province and the Yangtze River Delta region,Oriented by the market demand for talents,Set up the professional layout according to the foundation of college development,Focus on the electronic information industry, modern service industry, modern equipment manufacturing industry,Form a professional development pattern with electronic information industry majors as the core, modern service industry majors and modern equipment manufacturing industry majors as the expansion。The College establishes a dynamic adjustment, evaluation and early warning mechanism for specialty Settings, and independently adjusts majors or specialty directions according to law。

Article 23 The College carries out education and teaching activities in accordance with the professional personnel training program, vigorously promotes school-enterprise cooperation, pays attention to the construction of practical teaching system, emphasizes the cultivation of practical ability, employment and entrepreneurship ability and continuous learning ability, and reforms and innovates the personnel training mode。

Article 24 The College shall implement macro-management and guidance on teaching quality, implement teaching work monitoring and evaluation system, and improve the teaching quality guarantee system。

Article 25 The College independently carries out cooperation and exchange activities with foreign institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutions and enterprises in accordance with law, develops overseas students' education, and carries out Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools。

Article 26 The College pays close attention to the development trend of information technology, builds a technology extension service platform combining production, learning and research, carries out technical services, promotes the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and guides and inspires teachers to actively serve enterprises and society。

Article 27 The College performs the mission of cultural inheritance and cultural innovation, integrates the socialist core value system into the whole process of personnel training, and develops and prospers the college culture。

The fourth chapter is the internal governance of the college

Article 28 The College implements the dean responsibility system under the leadership of the Committee of Changzhou College of Information Technology of the Communist Party of China (referred to as the College Party Committee)。

Article 29 The Party Committee of the College is the leadership core of the college, performing various duties as stipulated in the Party Constitution, controlling the development direction of the college, deciding major issues of the college, supervising the implementation of major resolutions, supporting the president to carry out his work independently and responsibly according to law, and ensuring the completion of various tasks with talent training as the core。The Party Committee of the College is elected by the congress of Party members of the College for a term of five years。The Party Committee of the College is responsible for and reports on the work of the Party members' Congress, and its main responsibilities are:

1. Comprehensively implementing the Party's line, principles and policies,Focus on the "four comprehensives" strategy,Adhere to the socialist direction of running schools,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,Deepen reform,Run the school according to law,Rely on all the teachers, students and staff to promote the scientific development of the college,We will train qualified builders and reliable successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics who are well-developed morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically。

(2) Discuss and decide on matters related to the reform, development and stability of the College and "three big" (referring to major decision-making matters, important personnel appointment and removal matters, major project arrangement matters and large amount of funds use matters), and approve the draft charter of the College and other basic management systems。

(3) In accordance with the Party's policy of managing the Party and strictly governing the Party, fulfill the main responsibility of strictly governing the Party, constantly strengthen the self-improvement of the college Party Committee, and comprehensively promote the Party's ideology, organization, style of work, anti-corruption and integrity, and system construction。Strengthen leadership over primary-level Party organizations such as colleges (departments) and party and government departments, do a good job of developing party members and their education, management, and service, develop intra-party democracy, and give full play to the role of primary-level Party organizations as fighting fortresses and party members as vanguard models。

(d) adhere to the principle of the Party's management of cadres, in accordance with the relevant provisions on the selection and appointment of cadres and the authority of cadres' management, responsible for the selection, education, training, assessment and supervision of cadres, discuss and decide on the establishment of internal organizations of the college and the candidates for their heads, and recommend the candidates for university-level leading cadres and reserve cadres in accordance with the relevant procedures。We will do a good job for veteran cadres。

(5) Adhere to the principle of the Party's management of talents, discuss and decide on the college's talent work plan and major talent policies, innovate the talent work system and mechanism, optimize the environment for the growth of talents, and coordinate and promote the construction of various talent teams of the College。

(6) To lead the ideological and political work and moral education work of the College, adhere to arming the minds of teachers, students and staff with the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, cultivate and practice the core socialist values, and firmly grasp the leadership, management and discourse power of the College's ideological work。Maintain the safety and stability of the college, and promote the construction of a harmonious campus。

(7) Strengthen the construction of university culture, highlight the educational functions of the school spirit, school motto, school song and other carriers, inherit and carry forward the university spirit, give play to the role of culture in educating people, and cultivate a good school spirit。

(8) To lead the Party discipline inspection work of the college, fulfill the main responsibility of building a clean and honest party style, and promote the construction of a system for punishing and preventing corruption。

(9) To lead the college trade union, the Communist Youth League, the Student Union and other group organizations and the faculty congress。

(10) Do a good job in the united front work of the college, strengthen the political leadership of the grass-roots organizations of democratic parties on the campus, and support them to carry out activities in accordance with their respective statutes。

(11) To discuss and decide on other major matters concerning the vital interests of teachers, students and staff。

Article 30 The Party Committee is the decision-making body of the Party Committee of the College. It mainly makes decisions on important matters concerning the reform, development and stability of the college, teaching, scientific research, administration and party building, and recommends, nominates and decides on the appointment or removal of cadres in accordance with the authority of cadre management and relevant procedures。

Article 31 The President shall be the legal representative of the College,Under the leadership of the Academy Party Committee,Implement the Party's educational policy,Adhere to the law and democratic management of the university,Conscientiously implement the instructions and decisions of the superior and the resolutions of the college Party Committee,Exercising all functions and powers according to law,Responsible for personnel training, teaching and research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation and administrative management of the college。The president and vice president shall be appointed and removed by the organizer in accordance with the regulations on the selection and appointment of Party and government leading Cadres。

Article 32 The principal duties of the President shall be:

(1) To organize the formulation and implementation of the college's development plans, basic management systems, important administrative rules and regulations, major teaching and research reform measures, and important school-running resource allocation plans。To organize the formulation and implementation of specific rules and regulations and annual work plans。

(ii) To organize the formulation and implementation of the plan for the establishment of the internal organizational structure of the College。To recommend candidates such as vice presidents and appoint or remove heads of internal organizations in accordance with state laws and relevant provisions on cadre selection and appointment。

(3) To be responsible for the construction of disciplines and specialties, organize teaching activities and scientific research, innovate talent training mechanisms, improve the quality of talent training, promote cultural inheritance and innovation, serve national and local economic and social development, and make the college unique and strive for first-class status。

(4) To organize and carry out ideological and moral education, be responsible for the management of students' school status and the implementation of awards or punishments, and carry out enrollment and employment work。

(5) To organize the formulation and implementation of the College's talent development plan, important talent policy and major talent project plan。Responsible for the construction of the teaching staff, the appointment and dismissal of teachers and other internal staff in accordance with relevant regulations。

(6) To organize the formulation and implementation of major capital construction and annual budget plans of the College。Strengthen financial management and audit supervision, manage and protect college assets。

(7) Do a good job of security, stability and logistics support for the college。

(8) Organize and carry out international exchanges and cooperation of the College, sign cooperation agreements with governments at all levels, all sectors of society and overseas organizations on behalf of the College in accordance with the law, and accept and rationally use social donations。

(9) To report to the Party Committee on the implementation of major resolutions, to report work to the faculty and staff congress, and to organize and deal with the administrative proposals of the faculty and staff congress, the student congress, the trade union member congress and the league member congress。Support the work of Party organizations at all levels of the College, grass-roots organizations of democratic parties, mass organizations and academic organizations。

(10) Perform other functions and powers prescribed by laws and regulations and the statutes of the College。

Article 33 The School Council is the administrative decision-making body of the school. It mainly studies and puts forward plans for important matters to be discussed and decided by the Party Committee of the School, implements specific measures to implement the resolutions of the Party Committee of the School, and researches and deals with teaching, scientific research and administrative management。The council shall be convened and presided over by the President, and shall carry out collective discussion and decision by the president。

Article 34 The Discipline inspection and supervision department of the College is the supervisory body of the College,Under the leadership of the Party Committee of the college and the discipline inspection and supervision authority at a higher level,Assist the Party Committee to strengthen and do a good job in the construction of the college's party style and clean government and organize and coordinate anti-corruption work,Work around the center of the college,To inspect the implementation of the Party's line, principles, policies, resolutions and major decisions of the College,To ensure and promote the healthy development of the college。

Article 35 The College establishes the Academic Committee, which, as the highest academic body of the College, coordinates the decision-making, deliberation, evaluation and consultation of the academic affairs of the College。

Article 36 The academic committee is generally composed of senior professional and technical positions in different disciplines and specialties of the college, a small number of deputy senior professional and technical positions and young teachers with doctoral degrees。The number of members of the academic committee is generally an odd number of 15-21 people, of which the teaching line (including the head of each teaching department) members are about 2/3 of the total number of members。The College may, if necessary, engage external experts and representatives of relevant parties to act as invited members on special academic issues。The term of office of the members of the Academic Committee is generally 4 years and can be re-elected, but the maximum term of office is not more than 2 terms。For each term of the Academic Committee, the number of re-elected members shall not exceed 2/3 of the total number of members。

Article 37 The Council shall, according to the composition of disciplines and majors, determine the allocation plan for the members of the secondary school (department)。The selection of members of the academic committee shall be democratically elected by each department in accordance with the principles of democracy, openness and voluntariousness, and by means of recommendation and self-recommendation。The invited members shall be nominated by the president, the Chairman of the Academic Committee or more than 1/3 of the members of the academic Committee, and shall be determined after the approval of the academic committee。Members of the academic committee shall be appointed by the president。

Article 38 The Academic Committee of the College shall have one chairman, one or two deputy chairmen, and a secretariat。The Chairman and vice Chairman shall be nominated by the President and approved by the plenary meeting of the Academic Committee。The secretary shall be nominated by the Chairman of the Academic Committee。

Article 39 The College shall formulate the constitution of the Academic Committee。The Academic Committee conducts its work in accordance with its statutes。

Article 40 The School Running Council is an advisory, consultative, deliberative and supervisory body for the development of the school, as well as an important organizational form and institutional platform for scientific decision-making, democratic supervision and social participation。It is composed of the organizer of the college, representatives of the competent departments and co-construction units, college leaders, heads of relevant departments and representatives of teachers, representatives of local governments, industries and enterprises, outstanding alumni, social celebrities, and well-known experts at home and abroad。The chairman shall be the leader of the local government, and the executive vice chairman shall be the secretary of the Party Committee of the college;The term of office of directors is 3-5 years。

Article 41 The main functions and responsibilities of the school-running Council shall be as follows:

(1) Participate in the deliberation of major issues such as the college's development goals, strategic planning, professional Settings, annual budget and final accounts reports, major reform measures, and the drafting or revision of the College charter, and conduct decision-making consultation。

(2) Participate in the review of the overall plan and important agreements of the College to carry out social cooperation, school-enterprise cooperation, collaborative innovation, etc., put forward consulting suggestions, and support the College to carry out social services。

(3) Study the goals and plans of the college for raising funds for the society and integrating resources, and supervise the use of the funds raised。

(4) Participate in the evaluation of the school's school-running quality, evaluate the school's school-running characteristics and education quality, and put forward reasonable suggestions or opinions。

(5) Other functions entrusted by the College。

Article 42 The school Running Council shall carry out its work in accordance with the charter of the school Running Council and the rules adopted by the Party Committee。

Article 43 Second-level colleges (departments) are entities that carry out personnel training, scientific and technological research, social service and cultural inheritance and innovation, and carry out independent management within the scope authorized by the colleges。

Article 44 The secondary colleges (departments) shall implement the system of joint responsibility of the Party and the government。The party organization and the administration of the secondary college (department) jointly make decisions on important matters of the unit, jointly implement the work of the unit, jointly accept the work assessment, and jointly promote the development of the cause。

Article 45 The decision-making form of important issues of the secondary college (department) is the joint meeting of the Party and government, and the joint meeting shall be discussed in accordance with the provisions of the College on the joint responsibility system of the party and government of the secondary college (department) and the rules of procedure of the joint meeting。

Article 46 The main responsibilities of the Party organization of the secondary college (department) are:

(1) Responsible for the ideological construction, organizational construction and style construction of the grass-roots Party organizations of the department。

(2) Responsible for the department's ideological and political, ethics, spiritual civilization, anti-corruption and integrity, security and stability work。

(3) Organize the implementation of student education and management, and do a good job in the evaluation of student scholarships, grants, loans, work-study and other services。

(4) Build a team of counselors and class teachers, organize and carry out political, ideological, moral, mental health and employment education for students。

(5) To organize and carry out recruitment publicity and student employment work。

(6) To be responsible for the education, management and development of Party members in grass-roots Party organizations of the department, as well as the training of cadres。

(7) To lead the work of the trade union, the Communist Youth League and the Committee for Caring for the Next Generation of the unit。

(8) Implementing measures for the construction of the campus core value system。

Article 47 The main duties of the administration of the secondary college (department) are:

(1) To organize the formulation and implementation of the department's career development plan。

(2) To put forward plans for the establishment or adjustment of majors, the establishment or adjustment of teaching and research departments, and professional enrollment opinions。

(3) To organize the formulation and be responsible for the implementation of professional personnel training programs。

(4) Organize and carry out the reform and practice of personnel training model and curriculum teaching。

(5) Responsible for professional teaching team building, training professional leaders, backbone teachers and young teachers。

(6) Organizing the construction of training bases and practice bases。

(7) Cultivate scientific and technological innovation and teaching research teams, and guide teams and teachers to carry out innovative research on science and technology and education teaching。

(8) Organizing school-enterprise cooperation and social service activities。

(9) Organize and carry out personnel training process monitoring and performance evaluation。

(10) Responsible for the maintenance and management of its assets。

(11) Responsible for the daily administrative affairs of the unit。

(12) Cooperate with the General Party Branch of the unit in carrying out the work。

Article 48 The secondary college (department) shall establish the secondary academic Committee, formulate the charter of the secondary Academic committee, carry out its work under the guidance of the Academic Committee of the college in accordance with the provisions of the charter, and perform the functions and powers of the academic committee。

Article 49 The secondary college (department) establishes a professional construction steering committee to promote the cooperation between the unit and industry enterprises in education, cooperative scientific research, cooperative employment, and cooperative development, and the professional construction Council carries out its work in accordance with the rules passed by the Party and government joint meeting of the secondary college (Department)。

Article 50 The administrative person in charge of the secondary college (department) regularly reports the work to the president and the secondary faculty congress。

Article 51 The Congress of Faculty and staff of the College (referred to as the Teaching Congress) and the Congress of members of the College trade union (referred to as the Trade Union Congress),Collectively known as the "Two Generations Meeting",It is the faculty and staff under the leadership of the College Party Committee who exercise their democratic rights,The basic system of participation in democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision,It is the basic form and important carrier of hospital affairs openness。Through the democratic management and supervision of the college, the two-level teaching congress of the second-level college (department), the labor congress and other organizational forms, the active role of the teaching staff in the realization of the overall goals and tasks of the college is given full play, and the legitimate rights and interests of the teaching staff are protected and safeguarded。The College trade union is the working body of the "Two generations Association", responsible for the daily work of the Teaching Congress and the Trade Union。

Article 52 In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and policies, the College formulates the Regulations of the Faculty and Staff Congress of Changzhou Institute of Information Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations of the Faculty and Staff Congress) to regulate the work of the faculty and staff Congress。The formulation and amendment of the Regulations of the Teaching Congress can only be implemented after deliberation and approval by the plenary meeting of the Faculty and staff Congress。A representative of a trade union member's congress may also be a representative of a faculty member's congress。

Article 53 The teaching and labor congresses of the college shall carry out their work under the leadership of the Party Committee of the College。The organizing principle of the Teaching Congress and the Trade Congress is democratic centralism。

Article 54 The teaching congress and the labor congress of the college shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(A) Listen to the draft charter of the college and other basic systems of the formulation and revision of the report。

(2) Listen to reports on major reforms and solutions to major problems such as college development planning, faculty and staff construction, education and teaching, scientific research, campus construction, college management and logistics support。

(3) Listen to the annual work of the college, financial work, trade union work, fund review work reports, and other special work reports, and put forward opinions and suggestions。

(4) To review and approve the welfare and intra-school distribution implementation plans directly related to the interests of faculty and staff, as well as the corresponding methods for the appointment, assessment, reward and punishment of faculty and staff。

(5) Discuss and review the report on the handling of proposals of the last session (s) of the Faculty Congress。

(6) Evaluate leading cadres of the College in accordance with relevant work regulations and arrangements。

(7) Put forward opinions and suggestions on the work of the College through various means such as the publicity of college affairs, hearings, inquiry meetings, and the inspection system of representatives。

(viii) Supervise the implementation of the College's statutes, rules and regulations and decisions, and put forward suggestions and suggestions for rectification。

(9) To elect the Executive Committee and other working bodies of the Education Congress。

(x) To hear and discuss other matters prescribed by laws, regulations and policies and agreed upon by the College and the College Union。

Article 55 The teaching congress and the labor congress of the college shall be held every four years, and the general congress shall be held at least once a year。When the Congress is not in session, the executive Committee of the Congress shall exercise the functions of the Congress。

Article 56 The representatives of the teaching congress of the college and the representatives of the trade union congress shall be organized by various electoral units and elected directly by secret ballot from the teaching staff。The term of office of the representatives of the education Congress and the trade union Congress shall be four years and may be re-elected。

Article 57 Each secondary school (department) of the College shall establish the corresponding system of teaching congress and labor congress, and strengthen democratic management and supervision within the scope of the unit。The second-level teaching congress and labor congress work under the leadership of the party organization of the unit, and the relevant work system can be formulated by referring to the relevant system of the college。

Article 58 Under the leadership of the Party Committee of the college and the superior league organizations, the College Communist Youth League organizations focus on the Party and government work center, strengthen the ideological and political education of college students, serve the growth of young students, and promote the construction of campus culture。The College supports the Communist Youth League to carry out its work independently in accordance with the league constitution and fully guarantees the needs of the normal development of the work of the Communist Youth League。

Article 59 The Student Congress is the highest authority of the student organization of the College and the authority for students to participate in the democratic management of the College. The College establishes and improves the student congress system according to law。

Article 60 The Student Congress shall carry out its work under the leadership of the college Party Committee and the guidance of the Youth League Committee, and implement the organizational principle of democratic centralism。

Article 61 The main functions of the Students' Congress are:

(1) To examine and approve the work report of the Student Committee。

(2) Formulate or amend the constitution of the College Student Union。

(2) To elect a new student committee。

(4) To discuss and decide on the working principles and tasks of the Student Committee, and to discuss and decide on other major matters that should be decided by the Student Congress。

(5) Represent and organize students to participate in the democratic management and democratic supervision of the College, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the construction, reform and development of the college。

Article 62 The representatives of the student Congress shall be elected by each electoral unit in accordance with the conditions and methods of representation set by the constitution of the Student Union of the College。

Article 63 The Student Congress shall be held every two years, and the general Congress shall be held at least once a year to accept the resignation of the student committee members, discuss and decide on the removal and addition of the student committee members, and elect and elect a new student committee。The Student Congress shall conduct its proceedings in accordance with the rules of procedure adopted by the Congress。

Article 64 The Presidium of the Student Congress shall be the highest authority and executive organ during the congress;Members of the presidium shall be nominated by the previous student committee, reviewed by the Youth League Committee of the College, approved by the Party committee, and approved by the preparatory meeting of the Student Congress;The presidium shall carry out its work in accordance with the regulations of the Student Union of the College。

Article 65 The Student Committee shall be the executive and power organ of the Student Congress between sessions and shall be responsible for and report its work to the Student Congress。

Article 66 Each second-level college shall establish the student congress system of the second-level college, and carry out its work under the leadership of the Party organization and the guidance of the league organization of the second-level college。

Chapter V Teaching staff

Article 67 The faculty and staff of the College shall include teachers, other professional and technical personnel, administrative personnel and workers。The college implements a post management system for faculty and staff。Set up posts in accordance with the principle of science, rationality and simplification of efficiency, and clarify the title of posts, responsibilities and tasks, work standards and conditions。

Article 68 The College shall implement the system of staff recruitment, competitive recruitment, appointment by post, contract management。The recruitment of new faculty members is open to the whole society。

Article 69 The faculty and staff of the College shall enjoy the following rights according to law:

(1) Use the public resources of the College as required;

(2) Equitable access to appropriate job opportunities and conditions necessary for one's own development;

(3) to be fairly evaluated in terms of character, ability and performance;

(4) fair access to labor remuneration, awards at all levels and titles of honor;

(5) Be aware of the reform, construction and development of the College and major matters concerning vital interests;

(6) Participate in democratic management and democratic supervision, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the work of the College;

(7) To express objections and lodge appeals on matters such as job evaluation and employment, welfare benefits, merit evaluation and awards, and sanctions;

(8) Other rights stipulated by laws, regulations and rules or agreed upon in the employment contract。

Article 70 The faculty and staff of the College shall perform the following obligations according to law:

(1) Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations and professional ethics, abide by the Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers of Institutions of Higher Learning, and abide by the rules and regulations of the college;

(2) Cherish and protect the reputation of the College, safeguard the interests of the college, and consciously make suggestions for the development of the college;

(3) to work diligently, fulfill their duties and complete the tasks required by the prescribed teaching, scientific research, management and service posts;

(4) Respect and care for students, protect their rights and interests, and promote their all-round development;

(5) Take good care of the educational and teaching facilities of the College and rationally use the college resources;

(6) Other obligations stipulated by laws, regulations and rules or agreed upon in the employment contract。

Article 71 The College adheres to the principle of teacher-oriented education, respects the creative work of teachers, and provides necessary conditions and guarantees for teachers to carry out teaching and scientific research activities, academic innovation, professional development and personal growth。The college regulates teachers' academic behavior and guides them to establish good academic ethics。The College implements a system of qualification certification and job appointment for teachers。

Article 72 The College shall formulate a personnel management system to employ, assess, train, promote, reward and punish, and handle retirement for faculty and staff in accordance with laws and regulations。The College carries out annual assessment and employment assessment for faculty and staff, and the assessment results are used as the basis for hiring, renewing, promoting or rewarding or punishing various personnel。

Article 73 In accordance with the performance salary system of public institution staff stipulated by the state, province and territory, the College fully implements various policies including basic salary, performance salary and allowances and subsidies。The staff shall enjoy the welfare benefits stipulated by the state and the province。Strive to improve the working and living conditions of faculty and staff according to the development level and actual conditions。

Article 74 The College shall establish a rights protection and relief mechanism according to law, set up a complaint body of faculty and staff, handle complaints of faculty and staff according to law, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of faculty and staff。If the legitimate rights and interests of faculty members are infringed upon, they shall have the right to apply to the College for mediation and receive a reply within the prescribed time limit, or apply for arbitration or bring a lawsuit according to law。The College will deal with staff members who violate school rules and discipline according to law。

Article 75 The College shall, in accordance with the principle of post declaration and post evaluation and appointment, carry out professional and technical job evaluation and appointment of professional and technical personnel within the scope of authorization。

Article 76 The College sets up a professional and technical position evaluation committee, which is composed of the leaders of the relevant colleges, representatives of professors, teaching and research units with senior technical positions and the main persons in charge of relevant functional departments。The professional and technical positions evaluation committee is an academic organization for professional and technical positions evaluation, which evaluates, evaluates or recommends professional and technical positions of faculty and staff according to the evaluation conditions and evaluation rules。

Article 77 The post employment, post assessment, and incentive performance-based pay distribution of faculty and staff of secondary colleges (departments) (except for the posts employed by the school) shall be implemented by their respective departments。

Article 78 The College respects and cares for all kinds of professional and technical personnel and managerial personnel, maintains academic democracy and academic freedom, and provides necessary support and guarantee for teaching, scientific research and social service activities of faculty and staff。

Article 79 The College shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of retired faculty and staff, and provide necessary services for retired faculty and staff through relevant departments and retired association organizations。Retired faculty and staff can put forward opinions and suggestions on the construction and development of the college through legal channels。

Chapter 6 Students and alumni

Article 80 The term "student" refers to an educatee who has been admitted by the college according to law, obtained the admission qualification, and has the school status of the college。

Article 81 Students shall enjoy the following rights in accordance with the law during their stay at school:

(1) Participate in the activities arranged by the College's education and teaching plan, and use the education and teaching resources provided by the College;

(2) Participating in social services, work-study, organizing and participating in student groups and recreational and sports activities on campus;

(3) Applying for scholarships, grants and student loans;

(4) to obtain a fair evaluation in terms of ideology, moral character, academic performance, etc., and to obtain the corresponding academic certificate after completing the school's prescribed studies;

(5) If there is any objection to the punishment or treatment given by the college, appeal to the college or educational administrative department;Lodge a complaint or bring a lawsuit against the college or its faculty members for infringement of their lawful rights and interests such as personal rights and property rights;

(6) Other rights provided for by laws, regulations and rules。

Article 82 Students shall perform the following obligations in accordance with law during their school years:

(1) Abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations, and the Code of Conduct for Students of Institutions of Higher Learning;

(2) Abide by the college management system;

(3) to study hard and complete the required studies;

(4) pay tuition fees and related fees as required, and fulfill the corresponding obligations of obtaining student loans and grants;

(5) abide by the code of conduct of students, respect teachers, and develop good ideological and moral character and behavior habits;

(6) Other obligations stipulated by laws, regulations and rules。

Article 83 The College shall commend and reward students who have made all-round development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness and beauty, or who have made outstanding achievements in ideology, moral character, academic performance, innovation and entrepreneurship, physical exercise and social service。

The college shall give critical education or disciplinary sanctions to students who have violated laws, regulations or disciplines。

The College encourages and supports students to participate in social service and work-study activities in their spare time, and guides and manages them。The College protects students' legitimate income from honest labor and service by law。

Article 84 A student who has obtained a school membership shall stay within the academic term prescribed by the college,Complete the credits specified in the professional training program,Meet graduation requirements,Grant graduation,Certificate of graduation issued by the college;Students may suspend their studies or postpone their graduation according to regulations,Students who do not meet the requirements for graduation,Corresponding certificates of completion, associate study and study shall be issued in accordance with the regulations of the State。

Article 85 The College shall establish student safety management system and student rights protection mechanism according to law, prevent and deal with student injury accidents, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of students。

If a student's legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon, he or she may apply for mediation to the Student Complaint Handling Committee of the College and get a reply within the prescribed time limit, or apply for arbitration or file a lawsuit according to law。The College has set up a student appeal handling committee composed of leaders in charge, heads of functional departments, faculty representatives, student representatives and legal experts to accept student appeals。

Article 86 The rights and obligations of educatees without school registration who receive education at the college shall be separately prescribed or agreed upon by the college according to law。

Article 87 Alumni refer to students, trainees, faculty and staff who have studied in the college, honorary professors, adjunct professors and other part-time personnel employed by the college;All abide by the Alumni Association bylaws,Fulfill membership obligations,Alumni who voluntarily join the Association,By contacting the Alumni Association,After discussion and adoption by the Standing Board,They are members of the Alumni Association。

Article 88 The College sets up the "Changzhou College of Information Technology Alumni Association", which carries out activities in accordance with the relevant regulations and regulations of the state。The College encourages and supports alumni to form alumni chapters with regional characteristics。

Article 89 The Alumni Association and the alumni Branch of the College contact and serve alumni in various ways, gather the strength of alumni, and provide convenience and conditions for the continuing education of alumni。The Alumni Association shall carry out its work in accordance with the working policy and plan adopted by the Council of the Alumni Association。

Chapter VII Finance, Assets and logistics

Article 90 The investment decision of major projects of the College and the use of large funds shall be verified by experts, and the system of the Party Committee and the College administration making decisions respectively and reporting to the higher competent authorities for approval shall be implemented。

Article 91 The College actively expands the sources of funds for running the school and raises funds for development in accordance with law. The sources of funds for the College mainly include income from financial appropriations, income from undertakings, income from subsidies from superiors, income from operations, contributions from affiliated units, debt funds (bank loans), and other income from social donations

Article 92 Funds shall be used and managed in the following ways:

(1) The College adheres to the financial management system of "unified leadership, centralized accounting and hierarchical management", adheres to the principle of "keeping expenditure within revenue and balancing revenue and expenditure", takes into account both sources and expenditure, ensures key points, makes rational use of funds, and improves the efficiency of the use of funds。

(2) The College shall formulate and implement the annual budget, which shall be solemn and binding and shall not be changed without prescribed procedures。The budget of the hospital shall be managed by the college and the department at different levels, and each department shall arrange the annual expenditure according to the budget, implement project management, and allocate special funds for special purposes。

(3) The College shall establish and improve the economic responsibility system and audit and supervision system, improve the supervision mechanism, and ensure the safe operation of funds。Financial management shall implement a hierarchical system of economic responsibility, classified guidance and democratic supervision。

(4) The College shall establish an internal audit system to independently supervise and evaluate the authenticity, legitimacy and efficiency of the financial revenues and expenditures and economic activities of the College and its departments and affiliated units。

Article 93 The College accepts social donations according to law:

(1) Donations come from natural persons, legal persons or other organizations。

(2) The College shall establish an education development Foundation in accordance with the law, and give full play to the positive role of the education foundation in attracting social donations and raising funds。

(3) The use and management of donations shall follow the following rules:

1.The donated assets are included in the normal management of the college, put into use according to the will of the donor and subject to the supervision of the donor. The implementation of the donation agreement is provided to the donor regularly, and transparent management is implemented to make the donor satisfied and assured。

2.Under the guidance of the principles of the Constitution of the Foundation and under the leadership of the Board of Directors of the Foundation, the Foundation actively and legally organizes and carries out various forms of fund-raising activities。

3.Establish a complete donation file so that the use of each property is documented。

Article 94 The College manages the financial work of the College in accordance with the Accounting Law, the Financial System of Higher Institutions and relevant laws and regulations and policies。Financial management personnel and accounting personnel should have the corresponding technical position qualifications and post qualifications。

Article 95 The state-owned assets of the college refer to those which are occupied and used by the college,The sum of all kinds of economic resources that can be measured in monetary terms and are legally recognized as being owned by the State,Includes assets allocated to the College by the state,The College organizes the assets generated by the income according to the national policy,And receiving donations and other assets recognized by law as belonging to the State。The state-owned assets of the college include current assets, fixed assets, projects under construction, intangible assets and foreign investment。The College shall enjoy the property rights of legal persons and shall independently manage and use its assets in accordance with law。

Article 96 The College shall establish and improve management systems for asset allocation, daily management, leasing and lending, foreign investment and asset disposal, and establish a state-owned asset management system with unified leadership, centralized management, hierarchical responsibility and responsibility to the person。Strengthen the supervision and management of enterprises or projects invested abroad to ensure that state-owned assets are not lost。

Article 97 The College shall establish a team of professional and combined asset administrators, the asset management functional departments shall be equipped with full-time administrators, and the secondary colleges (departments) shall be equipped with part-time administrators。

Article 98 The College shall exercise full control over the purchase, daily management and disposal of assets:

(I) Establish management methods for centralized procurement, and manage the asset procurement activities of the whole Institute。

(2) Strengthen the use, maintenance, repair, storage and management of fixed assets, improve the efficiency of the use of assets and extend the service life of assets。

(3) Standardize the process of reporting, identification, examination and approval, evaluation and treatment of assets disposal。

Article 99 The College establishes an asset management assessment system, and the asset management functional department regularly inspects and evaluates the status quo and use efficiency of the assets of secondary units to improve the level of asset management。

Chapter VIII: School logo, school emblem, school flag, school song and school celebration Day

Article 100 College LOGO (LOGO) is an abstract dynamic graphic of the English name of the college, implying the bright prospects of the College in the information industry;The calibration color takes information blue as the main color。

Article 101 The center of the front LOGO of the college is the colorful logo of the college, and the outer ring is the name of Changzhou College of Information Technology in both Chinese and English。

Article 102 The flag of the College is a white rectangular flag with the name of Changzhou Institute of Information Technology in both Chinese and English in the middle and the LOGO of the college on the top。

Article 103 The school song is "Hundreds of words", written by Chen Jiamin and composed by Chen Liangji。

Article 104 The College shall protect the name, motto, emblem, logo, flag and song of the College。

Article 105 The celebration day of the College is September 26。

Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions

Article 106 This Constitution has been widely consulted with representatives of faculty, staff, students, retirees and alumni of the College,Approved by the faculty congress and approved by the faculty council,Approved by the Party Committee of the Yuan,Signed by the legal representative of the College,Approved by Jiangsu Provincial Economic and Information Commission,It shall be submitted to the Department of Education of Jiangsu Province for approval and promulgated。

Article 107 shall be amended under any of the following circumstances:

(1) Changes in the laws, regulations or educational policies on which the charter is based。

(2) Changes in the organizer and management system of the college。

(3) The College is divided, merged or terminated。

(4) Changes have taken place in the name, level and type of school running, school running philosophy and school running goals of the College。

(5) Other circumstances under which the articles of Association should be amended。

Article 108 The amendment of the articles of Association shall be proposed by the Faculty Council or the faculty representative Assembly, and the amendment procedure shall be initiated with the consent of the Party Committee of the Faculty。The amendment procedure is the same as the bylaw formulation procedure。

Article 109 These statutes are the basic norms for the operation of the College, and other rules of the College are formulated in accordance with these Statutes。Other regulations of the hospital that conflict with these regulations shall be governed by these regulations。This constitution shall be supervised and implemented by the Party Committee of the College and interpreted by the Party Committee of the College。

Article 110 The Articles of Association shall come into force as of the date of promulgation。

The school flag is a white rectangular flag with the name of Changzhou College of Information Technology in both Chinese and English in the middle and the LOGO of the school on the top。